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SFIO Current Pink Status

Release date:
May 5, 2021

May 12, 2021 - SFIO is pleased to announce that its status has been updated to PINK by the OTC. The Caveat Emptor (CE) designation has been lifted after posting the financial disclosures from March 31, 2019 to March 31, 2021.

The signed definitive agreement between SFIO and Agrokings, Inc. ("AGROKINGS") will kick-start SFIO's debut on the Pink Open Market for 2021.

AGROKINGS is currently comprised of several companies with a strong presence in New Zealand and Australia which includes Epiphany Cafe, Ardent Bakers, Gorgeous Cofee Co., A+ Electrical and Accord Investment Group. The companies are involved in food manufacturing and distribution, franchising, coffee business, property development, as well as technology and software development.

AGROKINGS' flagship company, Epiphany Cafe, is a new-breed donut cafe that offers gourmet donuts of supreme delectable flavors and artisan drinks with their trademarked product, "franut," that has undoubtedly captivated the market. Now spread over New Zealand with 27 stores and licensed locations. Epiphany Cafe was awarded for the "Best Emerging Franchise System of the Year" by Franchise Association of New Zealand (FANZ) in 2018's Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards and was also the Regional Winner for the "Upper North Island for Meadow Fresh People's Choice."

SFIO intends to apply for a name change that is expected to be finalized around the second quarter of this year. Further updates on the development of SFIO will be released soon.

Source: https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/SFIO/news/SFIO-Current-Pink-Status?id=305078&fbclid=IwAR2Bs6H56ELkJOjcSY4F3esje75NuSoqhAgyjR5zUeRjXp3X8L-BioTBQA8

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